Transferring To A New Server

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Data Transfer

You can transfer a company's configuration data from one system to another, by following these steps:


Create a company in the new CirrusPrint server
Copy the files from the "data/fromCompanyID" directory on the old server to the "data/toCompanyID" on the new server.  The companies do not have to have the same company ID, but you must avoid port and path conflicts with existing companies. Note that the cache.dat file can be skipped if you don't mind the cache being rebuilt over time.  The downside is that clients will download more data for a while as jobs are retrieved from the new system.


Note it is possible by migrating company data files to new systems to exceed the license count limit.  However, you won't be able to save any non-inactive devices until the license is increased or the active count is reduced.  In addition, a server restart will automatically disable excess devices, logging the action for reference.  Be sure to have adequate licensing counts before migrating company data files.


License Transfer


If you are transferring a full installation, including the CirrusPrint server software, to a new machine, you must contact your reseller, or the publisher at, to transfer the license to the new machine.