Job Submission

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To submit a job, use one of these methods.


Upload and Submit File




Use a PUT method to upload a file, and parameters to indicate the target device(s) of the file.


Endpoint: /api/putfile



targets - semicolon-delimited list of targets, each target format LocID:DevID

title - the name of the file

compid - not needed if using API Key authentication

cmp - 1 if the put content is compressed using zlib (rfc 1950)

props - a line-feed delimited list of name=value pairs to specify properties for the job
(see the output devices API for a list of supported properties)




A line-feed delimited list of job ID's, one per target.




Error: message


See Put an Output Device in the API for Output Devices for a list of valid properties.



Upload then Submit File


This is a two-step process, first to upload the file, then to submit it to target devices.


Request 1


Use a PUT method to upload a file


Endpoint: /api/putfile


Parameters: none


Response 1


A file name to be used in request 2




Error: message


Request 2


This request can be repeated to submit the same file with different parameters.


Endpoint: /api/submitfile



file - the file name returned from response 1

targets - semicolon-delimited list of targets, each target format LocID:DevID

title - the name of the file

compid - not needed if using API Key authentication

cmp - 1 if the content is compressed using zlib (rfc 1950), or 2 if gzip (rfc 1952)

props - a line-feed or semicolon delimited list of name=value pairs to specify properties for the job


Response 2


A line-feed delimited list of job ID's, one per target.




Error: message


See Put an Output Device in the API for Output Devices for a list of valid properties.


Upload Segments, then Submit File


This method is preferred for large files exceeding 500k to limit impact on network resources and to allow for fault tolerance during submission of those large files.


Request 1


Obtain a temporary file to upload segments to.


Endpoint: /api/tempfile


Parameters: none


Response 1


A file name




Error: message


Request 2


Use the PUT method to upload segments of the file.  This must be repeated until all bytes of the file have been uploaded.  If the file to be uploaded should be compressed, zlib compression should be applied to the whole file rather than individual segments, and the resulting compressed data uploaded, then when submitting the file, indicate it is compressed.


Endpoint: /api/putsegment



file - the file name returned in response 1

index - the byte position (0-based) of this segment, note when using compression, this is the index within the compressed data


Response 2


The number of bytes written, which should match the content length of the PUT data




Error: message



Request 3


Finally, submit the file.


Endpoint: /api/submitfile



file - the file name returned from response 1

targets - semicolon-delimited list of targets, each target format LocID:DevID

title - the name of the file

compid - not needed if using API Key authentication

cmp - 1 if the content is compressed using zlib (rfc 1950), or 2 if gzip (rfc 1952)

props - a line-feed delimited list of name=value pairs to specify properties for the job


Response 2


A line-feed delimited list of job ID's, one per target.




Error: message


See Put an Output Device in the API for Output Devices for a list of valid properties.



Job Status


Use this endpoint to check the status of a job that has been submitted.




Endpoint: /api/get/job/CompID/LocID/DevID/JobID


Parameters: none




A JSON object with these fields:


Name - the file name or title of job

Submitted - submitted time

Size - size in bytes


Ext - file extension

State - 0=submitted, 1=received at client, 2-delivered, 3-deleted, 8-saved, 9-trashed (8 and 9 are for browser users)

Data - null

Segments - integet array, internal use




Properties - object of job properties the job was submitted with

RawPrint - true|false, true if raw print rather than driver print

Target - the output device target, as delivered, after any tag substitutions

Received - time received by client

Delivered - time delivered by client

Message - status or error message reported by client

Updated - integer time stamp of last server update of job