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CirrusPrint is designed to support multi-company (or multi-tenant) configuration, so one or more companies must be configured.  Companies are given an ID value, along with name and and contact information.  A company can be set inactive, so that none of its ports or paths are monitored but it's data is retained.


As companies are configured, company-specific options are added to the menu tree on the left side of the Administration menu.


List Mode Buttons

Add a record

Edit the selected record (or double-click the record)

Filter text to filter the records to those containing the text

Download to download a CSV file of the records

Resize columns to fit their longest content

Reload the list of records


Edit Mode Buttons

Save the record, return to list mode

Delete the record, after validation

Copy or rename the record

Close without saving, and return to list mode





Company ID is used to identify this company.


Company Name and Notes are information fields.


Company is inactive, if checked, indicates this company is not available for any tasks.  Its configuration remains, so it can be reactivated at another time.


Maximum Active Devices Allowed caps the number of devices that can be configured for this company at all company locations.


Port Range is a range of TCP network ports that can be used when auto-generating network port types of input sources.  If an input source of that type is created and no port is manually assigned, a new port is taken from this range.


Submission History sets the number of days (including fractions of a day) to retain submitted files in the history directory in the site data data path configured in config.ini.  Under history, subdirectories are created for compid/sourceid/yyyy-mm-dd.  File names are retained where possible, with sequencers to prevent overwriting.  This is normally used for analysis or debugging purposes so defaults to 0 days.  The number of files can get very large on busy sites.


External URL indicates that requests to this URL are exclusively for this company.  This value must be unique among all companies defined.


Cert File Path and Cert Key Path specify the SSL certificates associated with the external URL value.  If they are not provided and the external URL uses "https", then the URL domain must be served by the site configured certificate (typically through subject alternative names, or wildcard certificates).


Email Receiving Settings


Enable SMTP Receiving can be checked to allow the site's SMTP server (if enabled) to receive jobs for this company.  Email addresses can then contain the company ID as the first of a dotted-triple address, or the first of a dotted-triple domain.  Examples could be:


Subject Auth is a list of text strings that email subjects must contain for an email to be accepted.  Enter one per line.  If no values match the subject, the email is refused.  If there are no values, no subject verification occurs.  The value is not case-sensitive, and can be simple text or a regular expression in the format "~regex".


Wildcards is a list of acceptable attachment file names, such as *.pdf;*.png;*.jpg.  They must be separated by semicolons or commas.


Allow From is a list of email addresses or domain names that are valid From addresses allowed to email jobs to company devices.  This is often just the primary email domain of the company.


In addition to receiving email via direct SMTP submissions to the CirrusPrint server, these settings also apply to HTTP posts of email messages.



Email Sending Settings


Each company can have its own outbound email configuration, so that mail sent by the CirrusPrint server on behalf of users for a given company can be routed through that company's mail server.  The following information is required:


SMTP Server names the mail server to connect to when sending emails.  The server may contain a "ssl:" prefix to indicate the server uses SMTPS.  It may also contain a :port suffix if the server's port is not 587 for SMTP or 465 for SMTPS.  Many private mail servers use port 25, for example.  To enable support for unverified SSL/STARTTLS certificates, such as self-signed certificates on the mail server, add a "!" prefix in front of the full server specification, such as "!".


Note that STARTTLS and SMTPS are different protocols.  SMTPS begins with an encrypted connection, similar to how https works.  STARTTLS starts with an unencrypted connection, then if the server requests it, the connection is upgraded to a secure one via the STARTTLS protocol.



From Address is the address that will appear in the From header of the email.


Notify Address is used when sending automatic notifications.


Login and Password must be filled in if the mail server requires authentication.


OAuth Token Request Data

If the mail server requires OAuth2 authentication instead of simple password authentication,  you can configure that with text values returned by the registration procedure at  After registering an application with your mail provider, such as the App Registration pages at Microsoft 365's Azure Active Directory, you can visit the above web page to configure, authorize, and receive the tokens required for UnForm to perform this type of authentication.  Instructions are found at that page.


Once the token request data is returned, copy and paste into this field.  If the mail server requests this type of authentication, these settings are used rather than a standard password-based login.


Be sure the Login value is the same one you authorized while on the above page.  The token request data should look something like this (lines here are truncated):









Test SMTP Settings can be clicked to send a test email using the email settings above.


SendGrid API Key is used in preference to an email server when sending email.  SendGrid is a commercial email service provider that offers an API for high performance emailing.  You can use this service to avoid impacting a standard email server.


Test SendGrid API Key can be clicked to send a test email using SendGrid's API.





The API Key is a randomly generated value that can be used to authenticate API operations for this company.  It is treated like a password, visible only upon clicking the Show Key button, which will allow copy and pasting into software code that uses the API.


If this value must be reset, click the Reset Key button and affirm the selection, then save the record to generate a new API key.  This new key must then be used for API access.