Running on Linux

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The CirrusPrint server can be started and stopped from the Unix command line.  These operations should be executed while logged in as root, or with sudo.


 cp30s start - Starts the server

 cp30s stop - Stops the server

 cp30s restart - Stops, then restarts the server


Once running, CirrusPrint will listen for location connections from browsers and system clients.  Clients connect using http or https.  If the server listens on non-standard ports, the URL for the clients must include the port, such as


To update the installation to the latest version of CirrusPrint:


 cp30s -update                Prompts for approval

 cp30s -updatenow                Immediately performs update



There are many additional command line options.



Custom Script Code

The /usr/bin/cp30s script looks for and executes custom code both before starting and after stopping the server.  The files it looks for are found in the CirrusPrint home directory, and must contain valid shell script commands.  The files are:


cp30s.custom.start - lines executed before the server is started up

cp30s.custom.stop - lines executed after the server is stopped


An example of this feature would be to start a separate web server when the server is stopped, to provide a home page message while the server is down, and to stop that same web server before the server is started.   This could be useful in high availability installations, to provide messages during maintenance updates.