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CirrusPrint is designed to support multi-company (or multi-tenant) configuration, so one or more companies must be configured.  Companies are given an ID value, along with name and and contact information.  A company can be set inactive, so that none of its ports or paths are monitored but it's data is retained.


As companies are configured, company-specific options are added to the menu tree on the left side of the Administration menu.


Company ID is used to identify this company.  Depending on the Host Value setting, it may be a required field for client logins.  Many configuration elements are specific to a company.


Company Name and Contact Detail fields are simple information fields.


Host Value can be filled in or left blank.  If it is filled in, then when clients connect, if the server/path they connect to matches (starts with) the value specified, then this company ID is utilized, overriding any company ID configured in the client.  This feature can be used to establish virtual hosts or path-based name spaces for specific companies.


If the host value is blank, then connections must have a valid company ID value as part of their configuration.


Print Ports is a range of ports for auto-assignment when creating port sources for this company, such as 9200-9299 or 10000-10049.  In order to facilitate firewall configuration, or if desired to improve security in a multi-tenant environment, it is helpful to assign non-overlapping ranges to different companies.


Max Inputs is the maximum number of input sources a given port or path monitor task will watch.  If there are more input sources than this number, additional monitor tasks will be launched.  Note that as you add new input sources, addition tasks are added one at a time.  Once the server is restarted, or this company's services are restarted, a reallocation will occur and new processes will be started to handle up to this many ports or paths.  If this is not set or is 0, 10 is the default value.


Contact Details fields are provided for administrative purposes, and do not impact operations.



Company Email Receiving Setup


If the server configuration enables the local SMTP server, then each company can be configured to accept email through that server.  Each company has a white-list of acceptable senders, and a maximum mail size that can be accepted.  Emails can then be sent to the CirrusPrint server domain, with To: or CC: addresses of compid.locid.devid@domain or locid.devid@compid.domain.



Company Email Sending Setup


Each company can have its own outbound email configuration, so that mail sent by the CirrusPrint server on behalf of users for a given company can be routed through that company's mail server.  The following information is required:


SMTP Server names the mail server to connect to when sending emails.  The server may contain a "ssl:" prefix to indicate the server uses SMTPS rather than plain or enhanced SMTP.  It may also contain a :port suffix if the server's port is not 25 for SMTP or 465 for SMTPS.  Many servers use port 587 in conjunction with STARTTLS protocol.


Login and Password must be filled in if the mail server requires authentication.


From is the address that will appear in the From header of the email.





Create Demo Button

If you've defined email and public host names in the site configuration, the public host names will appear as options on the Create Demo button.  Select one of those names and you will be prompted for an email address.  This will create a short-term demonstration company, with a company admin login, a browser user, and a system client user.  An email is generated with links to these features and sent to the email address specified.  The company and related admin user are automatically purged after 24 hours.


This feature is intended for ISP's to provide a brief introduction to CirrusPrint for their users.  Be sure the email recipient is expecting the email.


Company Data Files

Company data is stored in a directory/folder "data/companyID" under the CirrusPrint installation path.  If you delete a company, this data remains in case you want to transfer it to another system.  If it is no longer needed, you can remove it from the file system.


The following files are used by the server for a given company:


cache.dat - stores frequently used job data
devices.dat - stores output device configuration
jobdevs.dat - stores job data for target devices
jobs.dat - stores job data
locations.dat - stores remote location/user data
sources.dat - stores input configuration


You can migrate data for a company to a different server.


You can also convert version 1.0 data from a CirrusPrint 1.0 installation to a company in version 2.0.