The Linux installation process involves a few steps with the command line, and assumes you have the installation tar.gz file available on the system. For system-wide access you should be the superuser (root) to perform the installation. For non-root users, you should install in a unique location to you, such as $HOME/cp20c, and the cp20c executable will be placed in the $HOME/bin directory.
Prerequisite: The client is written in Node.js, and requires a node interpreter. Use standard package installation tools for the Linux version you have, such as yum on Redhat variants, or apt-get on Debian variants. Or check out for generalized installers for rpm and deb base systems. Note that you don't need to install the most current release of Node to run the client. It is written to work on Node.js as old as 0.10.
If the script does not find a node interpreter, named either nodejs or node, it will attempt to install one. Be sure to install on a relatively new and common Linux distribution, such as Debian/Ubuntu, or Redhat/CentOS/Fedora, to ensure success in installing Node.js.
Note that the below instructions use the curl program, which is available on most Linux distributions. An alternative program that does the same thing is wget. If you use wget, the syntax is wget url -O output-file.
Ghostscript can also be installed for use by the client, to improve print performance.
Simplified Installation
Download the install script, set proper permissions, and execute it:
su or sudo sh
curl >/tmp/
chmod 544 /tmp/
This will prompt for an install location (defaulting to an existing install), then download the 64-bit or 32-bit tar file, extract it, and run the script.
Controlled Installation
You can also obtain the client install tar file manually, either from or the CirrusPrint server installation, using the link supplied in the browser interface.
1. | Create a directory to install the software in, and make it the current directory. This should be on a file system with several GB of free space, though actual disk space needs can vary considerably depending on many factors, such as they variety and types of documents you print, and how high or low log and cache purge settings are defined. If you aren't sure, just pick the file system with the most available space.
If you are updating an existing 2.0 installation, use the existing installation directory.
mkdir /opt/cp20c
chmod 777 /opt/cp20c
cd /opt/cp20c
2. | If the client is already installed and running, you should stop it at this point:
cp20c stop
3. | Uncompress and extract the contents of the downloaded tar file. For example, if the tar file is available in the /tmp directory:
gunzip /tmp/cp20c.tar.gz
tar xvf /tmp/cp20c.tar
Some systems support a "z" option on the tar command, which performs decompression automatically, so you could enter just one command:
tar xvzf /tmp/cp20c.tar.gz
4. | If this is a new installation, run the script. This script will prompt you to view and accept the CirrusPrint license agreement, confirm the location of the node interpreter, and create the /usr/bin/cp20c script (or $HOME/bin/cp20c if not the root user). If the node interpreter is not found, an install from is attempted, using either curl or wget.
5. | Also if this is a new installation, configure the client. The script will launch the vi command (or an editor specified by the EDITOR environment variable) to edit the user-specific config file, $HOME/.cp20/cp20c.ini.
cp20c -config
Optionally, a server administrator can send you a setup link by email, which will include a command line that will obtain server credentials and write the configuration file. Use copy/paste from the email to run the command line.
cp20c -setup setupURL [ -profile profilename ]
6. | Verify settings with the command cp20c -settings
7. | Start the server with the following command:
cp20c -start |
8. For quick syntax help, use cp20c -help or cp20c -?