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To receive jobs from the server, a client must connect and login to the server.  There are two types of clients: system clients where the system client software is installed, and browser clients for users to access with their web browser on desktop and mobile devices.


Both types of clients are configured to connect to the CirrusPrint server and authenticate with a location login and password.  A location login is structured as locationID@companyID.


System clients support any number of output devices, typically printers and file locations, where they are installed.  System clients can also be configured as input sources, so that port and file path monitoring can be running at a remote location, forwarding jobs to any other location and device in the same company.


Browser clients have one output device, the user's browser.  Browser clients can also upload or forward jobs to other output devices in the same company.


List Mode Buttons

Add a record

Edit the selected record (or double-click the record)

Filter text to filter the records to those containing the text

Enable selected records

Disable selected records

Download to download a CSV file of the records

Resize columns to fit their longest content

Reload the list of records


Edit Mode Buttons

Save the record, return to list mode

Delete the record, after validation

Copy or rename the record

Send deployment letter to guide a remote user though install and configuration of a system client, or send setup link to a browser user to auto-configure a browser device.  Note the user-facing link will be built from the first of these:

oA company-specific External URL

oA site configuration External URL

oThe protocol, host, and port of the current browser connection

Close without saving, and return to list mode




Location ID identifies this location within the company.  It should generally be a short name as it can be part of an email address.


Name is an information field.


Location is inactive, if checked, disables this location so that no jobs can be processed for it.


Type defines what type of client this location supports, the system client or the browser client.


Password is used to authenticate the remote client as part of its login.


Email is used when sending the deployment letter.  It should be the email of a user who will manage the remote system client, or the primary email of the browser user.  A browser client will also use this for multifactor authentication


Alternate Email (browser type) is used for multifactor authentication in the browser client.


Phone is an information field.


Use multifactor authentication (browser type), if checked, requires the browser user to enter code after logging in.  The code is emailed to both email addresses, and is valid for several minutes.  This requires a verified email address.


Allow From can specify IP addresses or CIDR ranges that are valid remote addresses for this client.  Normally this is only used for system clients, but if browser users should only connect from specific systems or networks, this could be used for that type as well.


Application Printing Types is a feature that can be used on Windows system clients.  Windows allows applications to register themselves to provide direct printing of documents supported by the application.  Examples include Excel documents and Word documents, which support direct printing through those two Microsoft Office applications.  On a system, when you right-click a document file, if you see a Print option in the popup menu, that type of document supports direct printing.


This feature is also called "Printto" printing, referencing the Windows shell registry setting "printto" that configures the feature.


Enter a semicolon-delimited list of file extensions of documents you want to print using this technique at this location, such as xls;xlsx;doc;docx.


Notes is an information field.