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To use the admin browser interface of the server, a site user provides a login and password.  This form is used to add, edit, and delete such user profiles.  Users can be company-specific or site administrators (the site refers to the entire CirrusPrint server).  Company users can monitor and manage their own company operations, and site users can configure the server as well as manage company operations.


Note: a user is different than a location.  Users in CirrusPrint are server interface users who manage aspects of server operation, whereas locations are remote sites or browsers that receive print jobs or document deliveries.


List Mode Buttons

Add a record

Edit the selected record (or double-click the record)

Filter text to filter the records to those containing the text

Download to download a CSV file of the records

Resize columns to fit their longest content

Reload the list of records


Edit Mode Buttons

Save the record, return to list mode

Delete the record, after validation

Copy or rename the record

Close without saving, and return to list mode





User ID is the name the user logs in under.


Name is an information field.


User is a site administrator, if checked, indicates this user manages the entire CirrusPrint server, including all companies and other site users.


User is inactive, if checked, indicates this user cannot login.


Password is the password the user must provide when logging in.  This entry is obscured when editing.  Click the Show Me button to see the password text.  The system doesn't allow a null or space password.  If left empty, a random password is generated when the record is saved.


Valid companies for non-admin users is a checkbox selection of the companies this user can manage.  Site administrator users can manage all companies.


Email, Alternate Email are contact fields used for multifactor authentication.  A Verify button is offered to send email to the specified address, which provides the recipient a verification link to click.


Phone is an information field.


Use multifactor authentication, if checked, requires the user to enter code after logging in.  The code is emailed to both email addresses, and is valid for several minutes.  This requires a verified email address.


Allowed From is a list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges, such as, or 10.0,0,1/16*.  If this value is filled in, the user must login from an address matching one of the values.  Note that this is the IP address from the server's viewpoint, which may differ from the user's internal IP address if access is through a router that does address translation.  Also, users who access the server via the Internet will likely have dynamic IP addresses.  This option is most useful for internal networks where IP addresses are managed by an administrator.