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This shows active and recent job history, including the source and target information, and times of when different job events occurred, such as submitted, received, and delivered times.



Toolbar Buttons

Pause and run to toggle the continuous monitoring for job status

Filter to limit the rows displayed to those matching the filter text

Resize columns to fit their longest content

Delete selected jobs, visible if jobs are selected

Options to set view mode options


The options include date selection, location selection, and a checkbox to limit the display to active (undelivered) jobs.




The columns represent the following information:


Job ID is the unique identifier for the job

Location is the location where the job target is

Device is the device id of the job target

Source is the source ID that received the job, or in the case of api submissions, api:name

Name is the file name or title of the job

Type is the file type, such as pdf

Size is the size in bytes of the submitted file

Submitted is when the job was received by the server

Received is when the job was received by the client

Delivered is when the job was delivered to the target

Target is the target device or file name at the client side

Message is any error or information message returned by the client