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CirrusPrint v2.0

Download Terms Notice

Downloading this software indicates acceptance of the following terms:

The author and publishers of this software make no warranty, express or implied, regarding this product. This product is provided "AS IS". In no event will the author or publishers be liable for any errors contained in the product, or for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use or performance of the product.

This product is proprietary to the author, who owns all copyright, trademark, and patent rights in the product. You agree to not copy, duplicate, or transfer this product to any other party. Some portions may be encrypted, and you agree not to decrypt those portions. You may use the 21-day trial version of this product for up to 21 days, after which time you must purchase a license to continue using it.

To purchase a license, contact synergetic-data.com.

Except for the 21-day trial version, you agree to operate this product on a single machine for each license purchased.

Server InstallersSize (bytes)
Linux x86 64bit (libc 2.5+)25742165
Linux x86 32bit (libc 2.5+)25400827
Windows (2008 and up recommended)28089568
Client Installers
CirrusPrint Client for Unix/Linux37354
CirrusPrint Client for Windows4105464

Current Release Notes are included in the above server downloads.

PDF Manual Download
SDSI Web Extension

Extensions are small software programs that can modify and enhance the functionality of a web browser. Extensions are supported in Chrome, Firefox, and soon, Edge. The SDSI Web Extension provides a new way to submit PDF files to UnForm and CirrusPrint directly from your browser. For more information, please view the manual.

Once the extension is installed, you will see a small SDSI logo button next to the address bar. Click that button to access the extension overview and configuration, or use the browser's Extensions tool.

Installation Notes
Server Installation Instructions

As the super user:

  1. Create a directory to store the CirrusPrint 2.0 server software (i.e. mkdir /opt/cp20)
  2. Make that the current directory (i.e. cd /opt/cp20)
  3. Place the download file in the directory.
  4. Uncompress the file: gunzip filename
  5. Extract the file: tar xvf filename
  6. Execute ./setup.sh.
  7. Execute ./license.sh. Select option 3 if you have Internet access from your machine. If not, visit the http://synergetic-data.com/cp2lic.cgi link to obtain a 21-day trial period activation key, and enter it using license.sh, option 7.
  8. Start the server by running cp20s start
  9. Daily logs are found in the logs directory.
  10. To access the browser interface, open http://servername:8482 or https://servername:8483. The default login is admin with a random password. Enter cp20s -getpass admin to view this password. You can change the password via the browser interface.

Windows 2008 and up:

  1. On systems with terminal services, there will be a Control Panel option to 'Install Application on Remote Desktop (or Terminal Server)'. If that option is there, use it to run the setup executable. If not, right-click the setup executable and choose 'Run As Adminstrator'.
  2. If CirrusPrint 2.0 is currently running, stop it when prompted by the installer.
  3. After the install, the Start menu will have a new subfolder, CirrusPrint 2.0 Server.
  4. Run the 'CirrusPrint 2.0 Server' program in that folder, or directly run cp20s.exe, to start the manager.
  5. Click the Activation tab, then click the Automatic Demo Activation. If you do not have Internet access, visit the http://synergetic-data.com/cp2lic.cgi page to obtain a 21-day trial period activation key, and enter in the form.
  6. Click the Start button on the toolbar, and you should see status information and a change in the enabled buttons on the toolbar. You may see an antivirus warning asking if it is okay to allow the CirrusPrint runtime (may indicate the PxPlus product name) to run and open network ports. You must allow this, or the software won't operate.
  7. While not required, it recommended that CirrusPrint be installed it as a service once you've confirmed it starts up correctly. Use the 'Install as a service' toolbar button.
  8. To access the browser interface, use the browser button on the toolbar, or open http://servername:8482 or https://servername:8483. The default login is admin with a random password. Use the Get Admin Password button to view the password. You can change the password via the browser interface.

More information is in the manual at: /docs/cp20/index.html
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